I just received this from Craig A. Berry.
Installation kits for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 v8.3 and later are available at:
The files are self-extracting archives and after downloading you must run them like so:
for Alpha, and:
for Itanium. Then, on either platform:
$ product install perl
and follow the usual installation prompts.
Note that the kits provided here are intended to be a convenient way to acquire a default build; there are many other configuration options available if you build your own Perl from the source at <http://www.cpan.org/src/5.0/perl-5.20.1.tar.gz>.
N.B. The version of CPAN.pm (the module that lets you install other modules) that ships with Perl 5.20.x is completely non-functional on VMS. The binary kits announced here include a patched version and those patches have been sent upstream to <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=98265> but not yet included in a release. Don’t upgrade your CPAN.pm without verifying that these problems have been fixed.
Have an appropriate amount of fun. Anything related to these kits that turns out to be more fun than you can handle is probably best reported on the vmsperl mailing list.[1]
Changes in this release can be found via typing “perldoc perldelta” after installation.