I just received this from Craig A. Berry. Installation kits for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 v8.3 and later are available at: <https://sourceforge.net/projects/vmsperlkit/files/> The files are self-extracting archives and after downloading you must run them like so: $ run VMSPORTS-AXPVMS-PERL-V0520-1-1.SFX_AXPEXE for Alpha, and: $ run VMSPORTS-I64VMS-PERL-V0520-1-1.SFX_I64EXE for Itanium. Then, on either platform: $ product install… Continue reading Perl 5.20.1 Binary Kits for OpenVMS
Author: Thomas Pfau
I have been using perl since the mid '90s. I had started playing with linux in late '92 and was hearing alot about perl. Instead of trying to learn shell scripting I started looking for information about how to program in perl.
I still haven't really learned much about writing shell scripts. Most of what I've needed to script was not only possible in perl but easier. Since then I've used perl to automate tasks on linux, OpenVMS and Windows systems.
I have written several perl modules, some of which are available on CPAN.
Perl 5.18.2 Binary Kits for OpenVMS Alpha and IA64
I just received the following message from Craig Berry: Installation kits for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 v8.3 and later are available at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vmsperlkit/files/ The files are self-extracting archives and after downloading you must run them like so: $ run VMSPORTS-AXPVMS-PERL-V0518-2-1.SFX_AXPEXE for Alpha, and: $ run VMSPORTS-I64VMS-PERL-V0518-2-1.SFX_I64EXE for Itanium. Then, on either platform: $ product… Continue reading Perl 5.18.2 Binary Kits for OpenVMS Alpha and IA64
VMS::CMS – Code Management System
A couple of jobs ago I found myself maintaining a rather large system that used the DEC Code Management System software for source code change management. I needed to create branches in CMS to develop new features. Several new sets of features could be in development at the same time. I would need to merge… Continue reading VMS::CMS – Code Management System
Welcome to the new VMSperl.com
Welcome to the new VMSperl.com. This site will become a repository of information about installing and using Perl on OpenVMS systems. We’re just getting started so check in often.